The Changes You Seek

Begin Right Here, Right Now.

No parent starts off knowing what to do...

If you’re anything like me you feel burnt out from trying to balance life's many responsibilities, or you're scared that you're not living up to the parent you want to be. You may find yourself searching for answers, wishing for advice, or simply yearning for someone who understands the unique pressures and joys of parenting.

In my experience raising children is so incredibly rewarding, filled with joy and love, but it is also arguably the toughest job on the planet that comes with its fair share of challenges. and countless moments of self-doubt. For many parents, the guidance and support of their own parental figure play a crucial role in navigating this delicate path. But what happens when you don't have that figure to look up to? Whether due to loss, estrangement, or other circumstances, being a parent without a parent to go to when you need support can feel incredibly isolating and overwhelming.

The struggle to break free from past patterns and create a nurturing, positive environment for your children can feel daunting when you don't have a model to follow. The good news is that there are ways to overcome these challenges and become the confident, compassionate parent you aspire to be. You don't have to do this alone—there is a light at the end of the tunnel. There is hope, there is Pivotal Parenting Resources.


Create a relationship with your children based on trust, connection and collaboration


Heal the wounds experienced in childhood, so your children won’t have to.


Experience peace, harmony and mutual understanding with your children

It’s Never Too Late to
Turn Things Around

No matter what your relationship with your child(ren) looks like right now, there is hope. 

In the years since I’ve been a mom, I came to realize I had perfected imperfect parenting. I found Peaceful Parenting after I hit my “parenting rock-bottom.” I was regularly overwhelmed, frustrated, and screaming at my children. I saw them repeating the same behaviors I was, unknowingly, modeling for them. Every night I would lay in bed feeling broken, beaten down, guilty and helpless remembering I promised myself that if I ever had children, I would parent differently than I was. 

Unfortunately, “not doing what they did” was NOT enough to create the kind of connected relationship I longed for. I had no idea how to manage all the new emotions and feelings that were coming up through the daily struggles us parents go through. I didn’t have someone to go to for advice or guidance. I felt alone. I thought I WAS alone. I was desperately searching for this “village” I kept hearing about.   

Once I found parent-coaching, I realized having a deep connection with my children was possible. It took a lot of inner work and a lot of self-reflection, but it was well worth it. I’m still not perfect, but now I set a daily intention to be present with my kids, to parent with curiosity, and see conflict as opportunities to connect, learn, and grow. Now I pause, pivot, then parent. I wish this for you as well.

"Stefanie’s guidance and ability to truly HEAR me and see the blind spots in my parenting has made a significant impact. Her ability to empathetically address our situations as multi-faceted has opened my eyes to my family’s needs and a connected relationship with my children. THANK YOU, STEF! "

-Shellie W.

"Stefanie listens with intention and noticeably cares about the conversation. She has an incredible knack at helping me understand, appreciate, and empathize with other perspectives including my husband’s! You’ll be grateful to have her as part of your village. I highly recommend reaching out if you have family struggles."

-Anne S.

Hi! I’m Stefanie Ann

I’m a mother of four energetic and strong-willed children. I'm passionate about making a difference in the lives of families around the world. I believe every parent and child deserves to experience joy, connection, and fulfillment in their journey together. Parenting isn't just about raising children. It is nurturing hearts, fostering growth, and building resilient spirits. 

My mission is simple yet ambitious: to change the world, one family at a time. Empowering parents with the tools, knowledge, and support they need, a ripple effect of love, compassion, and understanding that extends far beyond our households. When families thrive, communities flourish, and the world becomes a brighter, more compassionate place for all. 

What sets me apart as a parent-coach is my unwavering commitment to empathy and understanding. I won’t offer quick fixes. I walk alongside parents, holding space for their struggles, validating their emotions, and offering support without judgment.

My purpose is to support parents in a kind and empathic manner to allow space to feel their difficult feelings and untangle generational patterns that have been ingrained in all of us. Together, we explore the depths of their experiences, uncovering insights and discovering new paths forward.

The traditional

‘power-over’ model of parenting isn’t working.

While authoritarian or "power-over" parenting may yield short-term compliance through fear or intimidation, it does not foster genuine respect or understanding. This old way of parenting often focuses on control and punishment rather than connection and discipline. This can result in missed opportunities for meaningful parent-child bonding and emotional connection. 

In contrast, a parenting style based on mutual respect, empathy, and collaboration that tends to be more effective in promoting positive child development. The "power-with" approach emphasizes communication, collaboration, and understanding while fostering a supportive and nurturing environment where children are free to thrive emotionally, socially, and academically. 

Unfortunately, there's no one-size-fits-all approach to parenting, but with Pivotal Parenting Resources, I can help create a roadmap to connection based on each family’s specific values. I provide a space for parents to reconnect to themselves so that they can stand firm and trust their instincts when making parenting decisions. I truly believe we all have the wisdom we seek within us—we just have to be still and listen. 

Parenting is a marathon, not a sprint. With love, dedication, and a willingness to learn, you can create a positive and nurturing environment where your children can thrive. 

So whether you're a parent seeking guidance, support, or simply a compassionate ear, I want you to know that you're not alone on this journey. I'm here to listen, to support, and to empower you to create the loving, connected family life you've always dreamed of. Together, we can change the world, one heartbeat at a time.

How It Works:

When you book a call with me, we will simply have a conversation so I can get a sense of what’s going on for you and your family and where I can offer support.

I’ll explain my approach and the options we have for working together. You can ask any questions you have and see what type of support would be the best fit for your life and schedule.

If it feels right to you, we can book our first session and get started.  If it’s not a good fit, I will do my best to offer alternative resources or suggestions for support, wherever possible. There’s no pressure of any kind, simply an opportunity to see if we are a good fit to work together. 

"As a mom, I thought I was doing great. However, with my strong-willed youngest child, I easily got overwhelmed frequently. I did the 12 week Transformational Reparenting Program with Stefanie. It has been eye opening and life changing! There are different strategies to discover for you and your child!"

-Jennifer L.

"Stefanie Ann is a parenting expert certified as such by practical experience. Her approach to parenting is that of a child advocate while at the same time appreciating and celebrating the basic humanity of the parenting journey. Stefanie will empower you to embrace both the challenges and immense joys of raising children."

 -Ryan Fiedler, M.Ed.

As a single mother, having someone that listens to me and really hears me is so incredibly valuable. I'm grateful to Stefanie for the guidance that helped me navigate my parenting journey so I could be the best parent I can be. She has shown me new ways to better communicate with my young adult daughter. We have the best relationship and I know I couldn't have done it alone. Thank you so much, Stefanie!

-Abigail M. US Navy Veteran

If Not Now, When?

The time for positive change is always now. 

The journey to becoming the parent you aspire to be is a continuous process of growth and evolution. By taking intentional action and staying true to your values, you can create a loving, supportive, and nurturing environment where your children can thrive.

Schedule Your Life-Changing Call today
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